The Significance of Dietary Fiber in an Athlete’s Diet

Fiber is an important component of an athlete’s diet, especially runners who need to consume pre run meals that steadily but slowly release glucose in the blood. Fiber is not a source of energy but a natural component that helps keep the release of glucose at a pace that will help the pancreas keep up with the demand for insulin production.

As it is, the pancreatic hormone insulin, helps cells absorb glucose that will be converted into energy. Otherwise, too much glucose circulating in the blood stream and in increased levels will cause hyperglycemia. It’s a condition that is largely linked to type 2 diabetes, a condition in which the body suffers from lack of insulin.

What Happens if a Runner is Hyperglycemic?

Hyperglycemia can affect a runner’s performance, or for that matter, any athlete’s performance. A recent report of a study of how hyperglycemia affects the body of athletes, was published in the Nature Metabolism journal. The report shows proof of how high levels of blood sugar can affect athletic performance.

The study measured the maximum load of exercises participants can tolerate after consuming meals that have different glucose levels and capabilities. The findings showed those who ate meals that resulted in high levels of blood sugar, experienced low oxygen consumption. Moreover, hyperglycemia and the resulting poor supply of oxygen prevented muscle growth and rejuvenation that are important after every training exercises.

During repeated sessions of aerobic exercises, the muscles need an ample supply of oxygen that will allow muscle fibers to increase. This natural body repair process, if not supported by adequate levels of oxygen supply through blood circulation, will only lead to underperformance as an athlete.

Athletes Need to Consume the Right Kind and Proper Balance of Dietary Fibers

While dietary fibers are abundant in different fruits and vegetables, athletes must have the right balance and right type of fibers included in their nutrition plans. Some fibers are soluble while others are insoluble.


Soluble fibers are for lowering cholesterol as they form a gel-like consistency when combined with water, which slows down digestive processes. The sticky gel substance that slows down digestion will allow metabolism to take place at a normal pace. This includes the slowing down of insulin release, as a profusion means the cells will absorb a great deal of cholesterol.

Insoluble fibers as the term denotes is natural fiber that cannot be dissolved in water. Since it remains bulky inside the digestive tract, the feeling is that of satiety or fullness. If combined with the right amount of soluble dietary fiber, the combo can help prevent or provide relief to constipation or diarrhea

Consuming too much of both soluble and insoluble fibers could also lead to flatulence and bloating, which athletes cannot afford to experience during athletic meets and competitions.

Check out the Colon Broom brand of dietary fiber and read more of this gut supplement to find out if your fitness trainer will approve of its ingredients.

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“There is no habit you will value so much as that of walking far without fatigue.”
